Important XDAndroid Button Changes for Touch Pro/Diamond

For a long time, Raphael and Diamond users have had an… interesting button configuration, to put it nicely. New users had to learn how to ignore the labels on the buttons in order to effectively use their device.

With recent changes in the kernel to provide a different keycode for the Power button, I’ve had to reconfigure the HTC Fuze (RAPH110) layout to fix that button. At the same time, I decided it’s convenient to remap all the Raphael and Diamond buttons to their intuitive functions.

As of the next rootfs release, the device buttons will be performing the following functions…

Device Key    |   Android Function
Power             Enter and exit sleep mode
Home              Go to home screen (long press, Recent Apps)
Back              Back (same as before)
DPad Center       Menu
Start Call        Dialer (same as before)
End Call          End call (same as before - configurable in Spare Parts)

This is only for Touch Pro and Touch Diamond users. Please see our tracking bug for the development discussion that led to this change.


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